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What Is a Spouses’ Community? A Wife's Story

Community 3 min read
What Is a Spouses’ Community? A Wife's Story

Moving to a new country comes with many challenges, and for spouses of employees, it can sometimes feel even more daunting. But what if you didn’t have to face it alone? This is where a spouses' community comes in – a supportive network of partners who are going through similar experiences.

How It All Began

Hi, I’m Lisa. My husband and I moved to Cyprus in early April 2024. This wasn’t our first time relocating, so I’m no stranger to starting life from scratch. But this was the first time I didn’t have to face a new country all on my own. The Mayflower spouses’ community helped me with everything – from understanding life on the island to making new friends.

Before we moved, I knew the company had a spouses’ community, but I didn’t take it too seriously at first. Little did I know that it would become such a meaningful part of my life. That’s why I’m excited to share my experience and, perhaps, help others who are thinking about moving to Cyprus.

Daily Support

Karina, our community manager, reached out to me on the very first day. She explained everything about the community, how to join, and what benefits it offers. She even added me to a chat where all the spouses connect and interact. By the way, the chat is incredible! It’s always respectful and friendly. The community is only 3 years old, but many of the women have been on the island much longer, and their support is invaluable.

Moving to a new place can be overwhelming, and having a strong support system makes all the difference. One of the things I value most about the Mayflower spouses’ community is the daily support it provides. Whether it’s through a friendly chat, advice on where to find the best groceries, or just someone to share a coffee with, the community is always there. Every day, I feel surrounded by people who genuinely understand what it’s like to start over, and that makes all the difference in settling into a new life.

«We want to show that every member of the community is important and truly welcome. Support and attention from the community give confidence, so that newcomers don’t hesitate to ask questions and feel comfortable attending live events»
Karina Kushch, Family Club Manager

More Than Just a Chat

The community organizes around eight events each month. We meet up and do things together, from clothing swaps, movie clubs, and yoga, to hiking, workshops, and yacht trips. Getting out of the house and meeting people face-to-face is such a joy. It makes the island feel cozy, friendly, and familiar. Just a few days after we arrived, I went to a watercolor painting workshop. It was such a pleasant surprise! I paint with watercolors, so I didn’t expect to find like-minded people so quickly.

«It’s easier to open up, share about yourself, and build valuable connections during offline events. We organize a wide variety of gatherings and activities, ranging from small creative workshops for 10 people to excursions or parties with 40-60 participants»
Karina Kushch, Family Club Manager

A Space Where Anything Is Possible

Let’s be honest – moving is stressful. Hobbies you once had often get put on hold because you just don’t have the energy. Did I think I’d not only continue my favorite hobbies but also create something for others? Absolutely not.

I’ve always been passionate about literature – back home, I hosted poetry nights, and in my last relocation, I joined a book club in Yerevan. Naturally, I started looking for book clubs here, asking around in chats. I did find some, but none of them quite fit. “We don’t have a book club, but why don’t you start one?” Karina asked me.

And that’s how I became the organizer of the book club. It turns out there are a lot of people who love reading and discussing books. It’s inspiring and incredibly comforting to know there are so many like-minded people around. In a place where even the traffic is different from what I’m used to, that’s especially heartwarming.

«In the past six months, 20 participants have organized their own events at least once. Some initiatives have transformed into themed clubs with regular meetings, such as Lisa's book club or the English conversation film club. We always support such initiatives, as they allow participants to reveal new sides of themselves»
Karina Kushch, Family Club Manager