We recommend using an approach called STAR. Meaning, describe Situation, Task, Action and Result. Firstly, it helps you to streamline your work experience. Secondly, it helps us to concentrate on your strengths. A concise CV is highly appreciated, it is more convenient to navigate and discuss what is really important for both sides.
Cover Letter
We want to understand what drives you to become a part of the company. From our perspective, the cover letter helps us to see if we have a match with you on different levels: professional, value, vibe. It’s a great possibility for you to speak about yourself in a more casual way. Why did you choose Mayflower and this particular role? Share which of your projects from past experience will help you meet our current business needs.

Before the Interview
Before the interview we take the time to study your CV again. So we really appreciate it when you do the same. Try to find time for reviewing the vacancy, and what we offer as a company on our website. It helps you to be prepared for a recruiter’s questions and simply be on the same page with them. You can explore our history — it’s always a pleasure to know that you are well off topic. And moreover, it brings a positive vibe to our conversation.
During the Interview
Usually, a job interview at Mayflower lasts 60 min. The best case scenario is when both the company and the candidate have a productive meeting and cover every question they have. We love when a real dialogue turns out, when both remain active and attentive to each other. Our recruiters are experts in their field and they always have a meeting plan, so you can go with the flow.
After the Interview
After the interview, we are discussing the time frame when we will return with an answer. We come back with both a positive result and a negative one, but in this case we try to highlight the areas of improvement, which after a while will allow you to try out for the company again.